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전문대학원 소개

한양대학교 의생명공학전문대학원


국문 (한자) 성명 백은정 전공분야 / 연구분야 조혈세포, 줄기세포, 체외혈액생산, gene editing
영문성명 Baek, Eun Jung   URL http://www.artblood.kr
현직급 교수 연구실 전화번호 031-560-2485
소속 의과대학 의학과 진단검사의학과 / 의생명공학전문대학원 임상의과학과 학교 이메일 주소 doceunjung@hanyang.ac.kr

경력 및 학위 취득 관련 사항

학사학위 취득 관련 사항 한양대학교 의학사
석사학위 취득 관련 사항 한양대학교 의학석사
박사학위 취득 관련 사항 한양대학교 의학박사
주요경력 진단검사의학과 전문의


실험실 명 (국문) 조혈연구실
실험실 명 (영문) Hematopoiesis and blood production lab
Research interest • In vitro blood production • Hematopoiesis and erythropoiesis • Gene editing for hematopoiesis research • Animal erythrocyte and platelet production
대표 논문 Red cell manufacturing using parallel stirred-tank bioreactors at the final stages of differentiation enhances reticulocyte maturation
연구 분야 대표 그림

최근 논문 리스트

혈액생산 관련 국내외 40여 건 특허 등록 및 출원

- Cell sources for large-scale manufacture of red blood cells ISBT science series 2018

- The effects of plasma gelsolin on human erythroblast maturation for erythrocyte production. Stem Cell Res. 2018

- Mbd2-CP2c loop drives adult-type globin gene expression and definitive erythropoiesis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018

- Improvement of Red Blood Cell Maturation in vitro by serum-free medium optimization. Tissue engineer part c 2019

- CRISPR/Cas9 PIG-A Gene Editing in Non-Human Primate Model Demonstrates No Intrinsic Clonal Expansion of PNH HSPCs. Blood 2019

- Role of Plasma Gelsolin Protein in the Final Stage of Erythropoiesis and in Correction of Erythroid Dysplasia In Vitro. Int J Mol Sci. 2020

- Red cell manufacturing using parallel stirredtank bioreactors at the final stages of differentiation enhances reticulocyte maturation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2021

- The Inactivation and Destruction of Viruses by Reactive Oxygen Species Generated through Physical and Cold Atmospheric Plasma Techniques: Current Status and

  Perspectives. Journal of Advanced Research 2022

- Current status of red blood cell manufacturing in 3D culture and bioreactors. Blood Research 2023

- Current status of platelet manufacturing in 3D or bioreactors. Biotechnology Progress 2023

- Irradiation is not sufficient to eradicate residual immortalized erythroid cells in in vitro-generated red blood cell products. Transfusion 2023.
