전문대학원 소개
한양대학교 의생명공학전문대학원
한양대학교 의생명공학전문대학원
국문 (한자) 성명 | 이종실 | 전공분야 / 연구분야 | 의공학/생체신호계측 |
영문성명 | Lee, Jong Shill | URL | http://suh.hanyang.ac.kr |
현직급 | 연구교수 | 연구실 전화번호 | 02-2293-0697 |
소속 | 서울 부설연구소 의공학연구소 | 학교 이메일 주소 | netlee@hanyang.ac.kr |
학사학위 취득 관련 사항 | 인하대학교 전자공학 |
석사학위 취득 관련 사항 | 인하대학교 전자공학(정보공학 전공) |
박사학위 취득 관련 사항 | 인하대학교 전자공학과(정보공학 전공) |
주요경력 | - 2003~2005 인하대학교 전자공학과 시간강사 - 2001~2005 한국산업기술대학교 전자공학과 겸임교수 - 2001~2002 ㈜씨큐인포 연구원 |
실험실 명 (국문) | SUH Lab.(Smart Ubiquitous Healthcare Lab.) |
실험실 명 (영문) | SUH Lab.(Smart Ubiquitous Healthcare Lab.) |
Research interest | Biometric Authentication, Biomedical instrumentation, Blood Pressure estimation, Digital Healthcare, Stress recognition, Bioinformatics |
대표 논문 | -Mental stress assessment using ultra short term HRV analysis based on non-linear method(Biosensors, 2022) -Gait-based continuous authentication using a novel sensor compensation algorithm and geometric features extracted from wearable sensors(IEEE Access |
연구 분야 대표 그림 |
- Effects of Game-Related Tasks for the Diagnosis and classification of gaming disorder(Biosensors, 2024)
- Quantitative analysis of pulse arrival time and PPG morphological features based cuffless blood pressure estimation: a comparative study between diabetic and non‑diabetic groups(Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2023)
- Mental stress assessment using ultra short term HRV analysis based on non-linear method(Biosensors, 2022)
- Gait-based continuous authentication using a novel sensor compensation algorithm and geometric features extracted from wearable sensors(IEEE Access, 2022)
- ECG authentication based on non-linear normalization under various physiological conditions(Sensors, 2021)
- Development of smart ring-based chest compression depth feedback device for high quality chest compressions: A proof of concept study(Biosensors, 2021)
- Effects of knee osteoarthritis severity on inter-joint coordination and gait variability as measured by hip-knee cyclograms(Scientific Reports, 2021)
- Automated remote decision-making algorithm as a primary triage system using machine learning techniques(Physiological measurement, 2021)
- Impact of a smart-ring-based feedback system on the quality of chest compressions in adult cardiac arrest: A randomized preliminary study( IJERPH, 2021)
- Prognostic Impact of In-Hospital Use of Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Devices Compared with Manual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Nationwide Population-Based Observational Study in South Korea(Medicina, 2021)
- Patterns of enhancement in paretic shoulder kinematics after stroke with musical cueing(Scientific Reports, 2020)
- Clip-on IMU system for assessing age-realated changes in hand functions(Sensors, 2020)
- Can mobile videocall assist Laypersons' use of automated external defibrillators? A randomized simulation study and qualitative analysis( BioMed Research International, 2020)